Senior Designer & ART DIRECTOR
Kelsey Stegner specializes in visual communications and creative problem-solving for nonprofit and corporate clients. Her expertise includes logo design and brand development, print and digital marketing campaigns, and a keen eye for information design. She is also a skilled illustrator and printmaker with the ability to provide custom artwork for clients, including block- and screen-printed textiles and paper goods.
Since joining Social Capital, Stegner has served as senior designer and art director for many clients, including Feeding America, Truth Initiative, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The END Fund, United Way, Kay Yow Cancer Fund, Vera, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Human Rights Campaign, Smile Train, Girl Scouts of the USA, Heart Rhythm Society, The Mission Continues, Infectious Disease Society of America Foundation and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).
Prior to Social Capital, Stegner was as an art director in the advertising and publishing sectors before becoming a full-time freelance designer in 2011.
Stegner earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa in drawing and printmaking and a second bachelor’s degree in visual communications from the Illinois Institute of Art at Chicago. She is also part of the artist community at Lillstreet Art Center in Chicago, where she is a volunteer studio monitor in the Textiles and Printmaking & Book Arts departments.